Friday, November 17, 2017

Simple Stress Relievers

TGIF!  This week was such a rewarding, yet bittersweet week for me. While I'm excited for what's ahead, sometimes I can't help but feel stressed. I have my fair share of stressful moments. Actually, who am I kidding? I'm the queen of stress, however I try to incorporate these daily stress relievers into my regular routine to help me manage to get through the week.

1. Cleaning

A lot of times when I feel overwhelmed, I look at the space around me. If it's a mess, then I'm usually a mess because I can't deal with all the clutter. Not only does cleaning help get rid of unnecessary items, it is also relaxing for me to just clear my space and my thoughts. The next time you're feeling stressed at work, school, or even in the comfort of your own room, look at the space around you. If it's messy, try cleaning it up for a fresh start and peace of mind.  

2. Lists

I LOVE making lists. There's nothing more satisfying than making a list for each day then crossing off each task one by one. I'm the type of person who tries to do everything at one time. Lists help me take one thing at a time -- instead of thinking about everything and trying to get it all done at once. Not only are lists good for work to accomplish tasks, but also for personal use. (And yes, I put my workout on my to do lists so I can hold myself accountable!)

3. Tea & Candles

While some people may like to end a stressful day with a glass of wine (or ten haha), I prefer to end my day with a relaxing cup of tea. It's no secret that I love my tea and my mugs. While I love trying all different types of tea, lately my go to has been peach tea with honey. The warmth of the tea seems to soothe my thoughts and makes me very relaxed.

Along with my cup of tea, I enjoy lighting a candle. I don't know why, but the combination of the two just puts my mind to ease and gets me into relaxation mode. I am a candle junky. I stock up on candles often --so much that I'm still trying to get through them all. I guess it's a good thing candles don't expire.

4. Netflix

Sometimes in order to get my mind off of stressful things, I need to escape reality. How do I do that you ask? NETFLIX! Although it may sound cheesy, watching a couple episodes of a show really gets my mind off things and makes my outlook on life different in two ways. If the show I'm watching is really happy, it makes me appreciate the little things in life. If the show I'm watching is sad, then I realize that things could always be worse and it allows me to count my blessings even more.

5. Workout/Stretch

Let's be honest, some days you just have to get all that built up frustration out. Working out works wonders for me on those occasions! Not only does it allow me to put my negative thoughts into good energy, but also playing various types of music throughout my workout helps me clear my mind.

If you're not the type of person to have a hard power workout, try stretching or maybe even some yoga! Either way any type of workout really allows me to relieve some stress.


I am constantly trying to surround myself with positive vibes and energy. Quotes help me to achieve this. If you follow me on Instagram then you probably notice that I post a lot of quotes. I surround myself with positive words to help influence my mind that each day is going to be a good day.

If I need more motivation throughout the day, I am constantly turning to Pinterest and looking up motivational or inspirational quotes -- this is usually where I find stuff to share with you guys on Instagram. Next time you're having a rough time, (day, night, or whenever it may be) take a few minutes and read some positive quotes. Sometimes when we read the words we need to hear, it helps us know that we can make it through the day.

I hope these tips helps. Just always remember, your most stressful day is only 24 hours. Keep on keeping on! ♥

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