Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Things I've Been Loving


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm excited to share with you some things that I've been loving lately -- including beauty, books, and other random things!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

How I Keep My Skin Hydrated in the Winter


Winter brings along many things such as cold weather, snow days, and DRY SKIN. Nobody wants cracked lips or dry hands in the winter so I'm sharing a couple of my favorite products that help keep my skin nice and moisturized.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Big Hair, Don't Care


It's no secret that I LOVE volume in my hair. When I was younger, I thought that volume in my hair only happened if I did a crap ton of teasing/back combing. Little did I know that using the right products can help aid in getting GREAT body and texture in my hair.